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Mark Sanford [R-1] Websites

U.S. Representative for South Carolina- Category ID : 344511
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Wikipedia - Mark Sanford

Crowd-sourced encyclopedia article about the South Carolina politician.
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Congressman Mark Sanford

Official website of the U.S. Representative for the 1st Congressional District of South Carolina.
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Project Vote Smart - Mark Sanford, Jr.

Provides a biography, committee assignments, campaign finances, voting record, issue positions, interest group ratings, speeches and public statements.
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On the Issues - Mark Sanford

Provides quotes and background on various international, domestic, economic and social issues. Includes profile, contact data, forum and voter match.
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Biographical Directory of the United States Congress - Mark Sanford

Short biography along with political party, years of service in Congress and bibliography.
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NNDB - Mark Sanford

Formatted profile of the South Carolina politician.
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Career profile of campaign funds raised and spent.
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Washington Post - The US Congress Votes Database: Mark Sanford

Features complete voting record along with a brief biography, roles in Congress and financial disclosure statement.
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WorldCat Identities - Mark Sanford 1960-

Works by and about the subject with reviews, online copies, purchase and library availability for each. Includes related identities and associated subjects.
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IMDb - Mark Sanford

Lists of film and television appearances along with related videos.
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Wall Street Journal - Mark Sanford

News articles and commentary relating to the South Carolina politician.
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National Governors Association - Mark Sanford

Profile of the former Republican governor of South Carolina (2003-2011).
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Ballotpedia - Mark Sanford

Wiki about the South Carolina politician.
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FEC - Candidate Summary Reports: Marshall C Sanford Jr

Official campaign finance reports and data from the Federal Election Commission.
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C-SPAN Video Library - Marshall "Mark" C. Sanford Jr.

Videos and transcripts of appearances on C-SPAN.
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Information on sponsored and cosponsored legislation. From the Library of Congress.
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The Guardian - Mark Sanford

Collected news, analysis and commentary about the South Carolina politician.
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Follow The Money - Mark Sanford

Career profile of campaign funds raised and spent for state-level offices.
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Roll Call - Rep. Mark Sanford (R-South Carolina)

Profile, election history and collected news reports.
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The New York Times - Mark Sanford

Collection of recent and archived news and commentary, photos, multimedia and selected web resources.
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